Weirdo Sonics Posts

lorem ipsum

Extract the file and copy the CerberusBetaPackbymiauz folder into "Manhunt/data/skins/" You'll need PluginMH by ermaccer to install this skin pack.

Extract the file and copy the .mdl and .tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" to install the skin. Replace if neccesary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the files and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/Levels/A01_Escape_Asylum/" Replace if necessary (Make a security copy of the level folder in case you want the level back to normal)

Extract the file, choose a folder and copy the .mdl and .tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" to install the skins, replace if neccesary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace in case.

Extract the file and copy the .dff and .txd files into "Manhunt/modloader/Extra Weapons/" You need PluginMH by ermaccer and modloader to install this weapon.

I don't think MH Studio is for that, I think is just to edit levels but not hunters, there are many yt tutorials of it out there

Extract the .rar, choose a folder and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" to intall these skins. Replace if neccesary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the .rar and copy the NaughtyBear folder into "Manhunt/data/skins/" You'll need PluginMH by ermaccer to install this skin. (PluginMH can be installed automatically by using Manhunt Fixer and marking the PluginMH option)

Extract the .rar and chose a folder, copy the .MDL and .tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" Replace if necessary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the .rar and copy the DR2OTRChuckGreene folder into "Manhunt/data/skins/" You'll need PluginMH by ermaccer to install this skin. You can install PluginMH automatically by installing Manhunt Fixer.

Extract the .rar and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" Replace if necessary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace. It is recommended that you use MH2MDL to decompress the resource1 file from all the MH2 levels so you can edit it to be any custom skin in every level.

Extract the .rar, choose a folder and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" to install the skins.

Oh, no problem xd, I tried to make it the most similar to the original Naughty Bear model, I guess it kinda works as a less polygons version of him.

Extract the file and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" Replace if necessary. Make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the .rar and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" to install the skin (replace if necessary) Make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the .rar and copy the folder estate_ext, into "Manhunt/levels/" WARNING: Make a security copy of the original estate_ext folder in case of any regret Beta Cerberus models originally made by miauz. All credits to him.

Oh no problem xD but they were not made by me, they were made by miauz/TripleAs I just placed them in Border Patrol. But hey thanks for using them. I think is pretty decent for being my first posted hunter replacement mod.

I honestly don't know I've never been into widescreen stuff. I guess there could be one, but none that I know of.

Extract the file and copy the GTASweet folder into "Manhunt/data/skins/" You need PluginMH by ermaccer to install this skin. PluginMH can also be installed automatically by using Manhunt Fixer and marking the PluginMH option.

Extract the .rar file and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" Replace if neccesary and make a security copy of the hiles you'll replace.

Extract the .rar, select a folder and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" Replace if necessary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the file and copy the SilentHillRobbie folder into "Manhunt/data/skins/" You'll need PluginMH by ermaccer to install these skins. PluginMH can be installed automatically with ManhuntFixer.

Extract the .rar file, select a folder and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" replace if neccesary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the .rar file, choose a skin folder and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" replace if necessary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.

Extract the .rar file, choose a skin folder and copy the .MDL and .Tex files into "Manhunt 2/global/" replace if necessary and make a security copy of the files you'll replace.