New Lalo 8000s Posts

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I had made some Journalist's skins for GTA SA and GTAInside could make me my account. So, i posted in DeviantArt, but i can't make skins for Manhunt. I have Saiko No Sutoka's models too saved in my Drive hehe

~Lalo 8000

Hi, i know you made the face texture, but i made more variants if you want to see them ^^

A GTA San Andreas skin, It's the Journalist as YoRHa 2B (I took gungrl1 and wfysex to make it)

~Lalo 8000

Journalist Pack [WARNING: a nude skin is there]. You can use the skin to make of GTA SA to MH 

Can anybody make a skin of Mrs. Lamb?

I wanna know if i can replace the Smileys from prision file (Kill the Rabbit) to Innocentz

Ok, thanks for the info. It will be complicated 'cause i just knpw how to make GTA SA skins with Blender 😅

I'll check if to do it easy

TBH, Naughty Bear was the fist game that i played with this gameplay style. Thanks for remind me my good time :3

I ripped the models from the original game and from Halloween Edition (Yui) to share a RAR file with the models (fbx files and textures) of my Drive

Game by Habupain and models by Imaginationclash (Crov IC)

Edit: It's only to someone makes skins XD

Just click in "drive" to access the RAR file to see the models name and you can download it ^^

To be honest, i always though a day to play as CJ's girls XD

I use 2 programs (TWDWorkshop and MagicTXD)

Sadly no :(

Let me know if someone makes them skins because i tried to do it as GTA SA skin and Yui wasdeleted in LibertyCity,net. Probably i suck in mods fro GTA SA 😅

Ok, let me find his Discord server and ask him

I've been thinking to buy the mobile version to get the nurse outfit and the maid suit as an update (If the AssetStudioGUI can rip the models too XD)

I just joined the server of this page 3 days ago, but i forgot to search him hehe ^^'
