WhitchityMans Posts

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Like many of you guys I was sad when the PM forums went down.  I had been there since day 1 back in 03.  I'm just glad that there is still a small piece of it left with this site.

I've always been partial to Aston Martins.

I've been watching amawolf on twitch.  He's got some really good runs.  I've speedran Manhunt a few times, but I didn't time myself.  I know it's probably sub two hours.  If I do it again in the future I will time myself.

That's definitely a cool origin concept.  My head canon is that Piggsy is actually JD O'Toole from Liberty City Stories.  He was already a huge pervert with a gimp suit and in one of his missions he has you kill some dudes and later reveals he was recording you and plans to sell the footage for a snuff film.  Later in the game he is shot in the head (which would explain Piggsy's mental retardation) and his body dumped at sea in a car.  I like to think Starkweather had somehow came across JD and turned him into Piggsy.

This used to be one of my least favorite Mad Season songs, but last year when I was trying to stop drinking as much as I do it came on in the car.  I was finishing the last of my bottle of 91 proof whiskey while driving and this song made me cry and evaluate my life.  I quit the 91 proof whiskey, but I still guzzle down Southern Comfort and Four Loko's.  One thing at a time I guess.

Nice video, man.  I had been hoping for a manhunt 2 one for while now.

Amawolf just got a WR time of 1:26 on Ps4 any% glitchless, which was fucking amazing.  He struggled a bit in Doing Time but came back and killed it.

Hey CCH, glad to see you found this place.

Dude, keep going with your project. There are many people who would love to see this come to fruition.

Yeah, he used to post on the PM forums back in the day. Good guy, hope he's doing alright


Goretex, I hope you got my email. CashLamb, you are still awesome as always.