Kiruxas Posts

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Yeah, personally, I would like to know a program for editing TXD files, because when I change the texture through ViceTXD or TXDworkshop, the game cannot start it all normally

тут на сайте полно разных прикольных скинов. Скачай любой, но поставь вместо pig_pc

here on the site is full of different cool skins. Download any, but put it instead of pig_pc


I beg you. Please make a replacement for PIG_PC DFF and TXD files attached (Taken from gta sa) I have already seen the models of Ryder, the dude from Rifa and Claude. I would really like to see my favorite biker. And if it would be possible with a program for editing TXD files, I would also be very glad to get acquainted.




Прошу вас.Пожалуйста сделайте заменку PIG_PC DFF и TXD файлы прилагаю (Взято из gta sa) Видел уже модельки Райдера , чувака из Rifa и Клода.Хотелось бы очень лицезреть своего любимого байкра. И если можно  еще бы с программой для редактирования TXD файлов тоже очень рад был бы ознакомиться.




Te lo ruego, por favor haz un reemplazo para los archivos adjuntos DFF y TXD de PIG_PC (Tomados de gta sa) Ya he visto los modelos de Ryder, el tipo de Rifa y Claude. Me gustaría mucho ver a mi motociclista favorito. Y si fuera posible con un programa para editar archivos TXD, también me encantaría conocerlo.




Ich bitte Sie. Bitte machen Sie einen Ersatz für PIG_PC DFF- und TXD-Dateien im Anhang (entnommen aus gta sa) Ich habe bereits die Modelle von Ryder, dem Typen von Rifa und Claude gesehen. Ich würde wirklich gerne meinen Lieblingsbiker sehen. Und wenn es mit einem Programm zum Bearbeiten von TXD-Dateien möglich wäre, würde ich mich auch sehr über ein Kennenlernen freuen.

Link the bikerb model

And where is the link to the archive or folder with the models?

The Carcer-city is a mixed prototype of the Rust Belt cities. In particular, it is dominated by the features of the East Coast and the architecture of New York. The specific prototype of Carcer city is the city of Detroit and Camden.
Also on the radio in GTA III you can hear about Carcer City, the fact that it is located nearby and about its corrupt police officers. Also in the northern part of the GTA III map there is an area closed from the player. Tonel, which, in my opinion, leads to carcer city. Liberty City is New York. In real geography West of New York is Detroit. Based on this, it can be assumed that Carcer city is a collective image of the cities of the rust belt in particular Detroit.

The Clown Gang is based on the most frostbitten gang in all of Detroit. The Juggalos. The concept art of the Clowns is very similar to what the tattoos of the Members of this gang are in reality. Also, the Juggalo is a gang of Detroit, with which Carcer city is very familiar to us.

As you might guess, juggalos are recruited from not the most prosperous segments of the population (Detroit still remains a kind of Mecca for them). The subculture has been repeatedly accused of sympathizing with Nazism and chauvinism, since its backbone is the typical "white trash" and white drunkards. But, in fact, juggalos are international and do not distinguish by race and origin - there are black juggalos, juggalo-latinos, and recently, entire juggalo communities consisting of Native Americans have appeared. After all, when everyone's face is painted and everyone looks like crack clowns, it's not easy to determine race on the fly. It unites.



Cash received the name from a real person.. James Earl Ray James Earl Ray was born in 1928 in Tennessee. Ray was born into a poor family and therefore from early childhood was involved in criminal activities. in '49 he was first convicted of burglary. At 52, he received two years for armed assault and robbery of a taxi driver. At 55, he burned out on theft. And again in 1959 he was sentenced to 20 years for stealing $120. In 67, Ray escaped from prison and immediately received a sentence the following year, after which he became known to the world, in 68 Ray shot Martin Luther King. King stood on the balcony and led the uprising of scavengers. Ray shot at him from the windows of a neighboring house. Killed Martin by shooting him in the jaw.




Appearance Cash received from the character of the film "Natural born killers" in 1994 -Mikkey. The film is about a pair of serial killers who roam the country. Probably based on events set in America in the 1950s involving Charlie Starkweather and Caryl Ann Fugate. Does Starkweather remind you of anything?

The problem is that I can't get into the Discard, some kind of error appears

Here's a look at this article.