Recent Manhunt modding tools, characters and more

Here you will find all the tools you need for Manhunt modding. New characters, executions and more.
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by Sor3nt Tool

Manhunt 2 Manhunt 2 PS2 to PC BSP Converter allows you to convert levels from PS2 to PC

by Sor3nt Tool

Little PHP Modding Tool to extract near any Manhunt 1 and 2 Files.

by Sor3nt Tool

Extract, insert, replace and pack Manhunt 2 Textures. Easy Manhunt Modding!

by TripleAs Character

Model of James Earl Cash based on the beta images

by Sor3nt Animation

Support Import Manhunt 1/2 IFP/BIN format Animations.

by Allen Tool

Note: PSP/PS2 some models of the face direction is reversed. You need to manually flip the face normal to fix it.

by ermaccer Character

Manhunt styled Jason Voorhees based on Mortal Kombat X design. Replaces Piggsy.

by Sor3nt Tool

Latest version from this awesome tool.