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The mod adds three new combinations for civilians in the game.

The mod adds three new combinations for civilians in the game.

This is only the mls file of the PS2 version.

Some of them have an oil painting texture, because their original resolution is very low. List: 1. Farmer bloodHounds texture resolution upscaling 2. Scientist texture resolution scaling + skin tone repair 3. PS platform burn texture 4. "Origin" refurbished Rust Saw 5. Cop and Hobo texture optimization 6. Leo Flashback skin texture upscaling 7. Fix Asylum Orderly 3 hand texture.

Improved compressed textures for original ps .

I reoccupied them, although I have a little cartoon XP

They're still not the quality the original textures should be

This is the first one completed, so I chose to publish it.

requires prior installation: