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so how do i do it,trying to implement this kinda s... Can this be done on the psp?Well I opened a file t... Anyone know how to install mods or patches onto th...
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Received a like from for the post Manhunt 2 psp patches?
Created a post at November 12, 2019 23:59
Manhunt 2 Tutorials: Add head explosion to any execution

so how do i do it,trying to implement this kinda settings but idk how m8

Created a post at November 11, 2019 22:15
Manhunt 2 Tutorials: Add head explosion to any execution

Can this be done on the psp?Well I opened a file that's called TVP and it says something called vec pair.. with a bunch of numbers .. 

Started a new thread: Manhunt 2
Manhunt 2 psp patches?