NoiseFX reduction + small visual improvements

by Tramp

NoiseFX on pc version seems to be too intense, especially in darker places but it also adds certain atmosphere. I made it more manageable by increasing its transparency. I also included some textures upscaled with GigaPixel AI, the most apparent changes can be seen on Cash model. It's not much but should still improve experience in some way.

Also remember to backup your files first.


- NoiseFX was reduced and is now 20% more transparet

Upscaled textures:
- Cash
- White Rabbit
- Monkey
- Tramp
- Piggsy
- crows
- rats
- smashed head
- head in a plastic bag

+ better effects like fire, smoke, shards of glass etc. (Improved Effects by ermaccer)

I also recommend using MHPatches by Fire_Head, included in Manhunt Fixer.


Released on December 23, 2021 20:27
More by Tramp