This mod adds D.A.R. as a playable character from Killing Floor.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "KF1 D.A.R" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
2. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Tripwire Interactive - Killing Floor;
S1mpl311 - rip, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds V1 and V2 playable characters from ULTRAKILL. Includes additional variants of both characters.
The variations are:
- V1;
- V1 (Wingless);
- V1 (Knuckleblaster);
- V1 (Wingless) (Knuckleblaster);
- V2;
- V2 (Wingless);
- V2 (Knuckleblaster);
- V2 (Wingless) (Knuckleblaster).
Whiplash variant is not included. Because these assets were used from Sketchfab, since i don't own ULTRAKILL at all.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "UTRAKILL V'S Skin Pack" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
2. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. All of models should appear in the list. Nice work!
Models Sketchfab links:
V1 -
V2 -
Arsi "Hakita" Patala - Ultrakill;
tybro - Ripping Game Assets;
S1mpl311 - port and models editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds A.S.W.A.T. (Automated Special Weapons And Tactics) as a playable character from Sven Co-op.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "ASWAT" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Ian Waugh - Original Model Creator;
Sven Co-op Team - Sven Co-op;
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing!
This mod adds A.S.W.A.T. (Automated Special Weapons And Tactics) as a playable character from Sven Co-op.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "ASWAT" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Ian Waugh - Original Model Creator;
Sven Co-op Team - Sven Co-op;
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing!
This mod adds B1 Battle Droid as a playable character from Star Wars Battlefront (2004).
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "SWBF1 B1" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Models-Resource link -
Lucasfilm Games - Star Wars Battlefront (2004);
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Protocol Droid as a playable character from System Shock 2.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "ss2droid" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Irrational Games/Nightdive Studios - System Shock 2;
S1mpl311 - rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Spectre as a playable character from Titanfall.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "tf1spectre" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Respawn Entertainment - Titanfall;
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Robo Grunt as a playable character from Half-Life.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "HL Robo Grunt" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Valve - Half-Life;
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds CCK (Civil Conduct Keepers) Heavy as a playable character from Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure.
"Addendum: Includes an alternative "Silver" Variant as well."
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file.
2. Copy "Marc Ecko's Getting Up CCK Heavy" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. 2 models should be listed. Nice work!
Models-resource link -
The Collective Inc. - Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure;
S1mpl311 - rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds HK-47 as a playable character from Star Wars The Old Republic.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "SWTOR HK47" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Bioware/Electronic Arts - Star Wars Battlefront;
S1mpl311 - rip, rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds a pack of playable Robots from Unreal Tournament 2004 (24 skins). Includes Red and Blue variants of every single model.
The variations are:
- Cobalt (Default);
- Cobalt (Red);
- Cobalt (Blue);
- Corrosion (Default);
- Corrosion (Red);
- Corrosion (Blue);
- Mandible (Default);
- Mandible (Red);
- Mandible (Blue);
- Rapier (Default);
- Rapier (Red);
- Rapier (Blue);
- Renegade (Default);
- Renegade (Red);
- Renegade (Blue);
- Syzygy (Default);
- Syzygy (Red);
- Syzygy (Blue);
- Thorax (Default);
- Thorax (Red);
- Thorax (Blue);
- Widowmaker (Default);
- Widowmaker (Red);
- Widowmaker (Blue);
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "UT2004 Robots" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. All of models should appear in the list. Nice work!
Epic Games - Unreal Tournament 2004;
S1mpl311 - port and models editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Officer "Carnivore" Thorne as a playable character from Killing Floor.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "KF1 Officer Carnivore Thorne" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Tripwire Interactive - Killing Floor;
S1mpl311 - rip, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Doctor Purnell as a playable character from Cry of Fear.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "COF Doctor" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Team Psykskallar - Cry of Fear;
S1mpl311 - port and rig editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Simon Henriksson as a playable character from Cry of Fear. Includes 12 additional variants.
The variations are:
- AoM (Afraid of Monsters);
- Awesome;
- Black Metal;
- Camo;
- Default;
- Hello Kitty;
- HLC (Half-Life Creations);
- Leatherhoff;
- ModDB;
- Sick;
- Team Psykskallar;
- Twitcher.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "COF Simon" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. All of the models should appear in the list. Nice work!
Team Psykskallar - Cry of Fear;
S1mpl311 - port and rig editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Peacekeeper Droid as a playable character from Star Wars The Old Republic.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "SWTOR P3-KP" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Bioware/LucasArts - Star Wars The Old Republic;
S1mpl311 - rip, rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds James Sutherland as a playable character from Silent Hill 2 (2001).
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file.
2. Copy "SH2 James Sutherland" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The skin should appear in the skin list. Nice work!
Konami - Silent Hill 2 (2001);
S1mpl311 - rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds IG-88 Assassin Droid as a playable character from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "IG88" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
2. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
EA Capital Games - Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes;
S1mpl311 - rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Sam Fisher (Prisoner variant) as a playable character from Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "SCDA_Sam_Prisoner" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Ubisoft - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent;
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds B1 Battle Droid as a playable character from Star Wars Battlefront (2004).
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "SWBF1 B1" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Models-Resource link -
Lucasfilm Games - Star Wars Battlefront;
ggctuk - Ripping Game Assets;
S1mpl311 - port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds James Sutherland as a playable character from Silent Hill 2 (2001).
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file.
2. Copy "SH2 James Sutherland" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The skin should appear in the skin list. Nice work!
Konami - Silent Hill 2 (2001);
S1mpl311 - rig, port and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Leon Kennedy w/o jacket as a playable character from Resident Evil 4 (2005). This is a commissioned mod.
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "RE4 Leon Scott Kennedy (Jacketless)" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Capcom - Resident Evil 4 (2005);
S1mpl311 - port and rig editing.
Joju - Commissioner.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds a skin pack of RIGs from Dead Space (2008) [LVL1-LVL6]. Includes 6 of them.
This pack contains the following skins:
- Standard Engineer RIG (LVL1);
- Standard Miner RIG (LVL2);
- Intermediate Engineer RIG (LVL3);
- Intermediate Miner RIG (LVL4);
- Advanced Engineer RIG (LVL5);
- Advanced Soldier RIG (LVL6).
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "Dead Space (2008) Rigs" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. All of the models should appear in the list. Nice work!
EA/Visceral Games - Dead Space (2008);
GrandBacon - Assets Rip;
GreenStorm64 - Source Port;
S1mpl311 - Manhunt port, rig editing, texture editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Pointman as a playable character from F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon).
Model link -
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "Pointman" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
2. Open the game, and click "Skins". The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Monolith Productions - F.E.A.R.;
S1mpl311 - port and rig editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds a skin pack of skeletons from Kenshi. Contains 8 variants.
The variations are:
- Skeleton MKI;
- Skeleton MKI "P4";
- Skeleton MKI "Screamer";
- Skeleton MKI "Log-Head";
- Skeleton MKII "P4";
- Skeleton MKII "Screamer";
- Skeleton MKII "Log-Head";
- Skeleton MKII "Thrall".
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "Kenshi Skeletons" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
2. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Lo-Fi Games - Kenshi;
S1mpl311 - port, rig and model editing.
Enjoy the killing.
This mod adds Edward Carnby as a playable character from Alone in the Dark (2008).
PluginMH by ermaccer is mandatory for a mod functionality (
How to install:
1. Download the mod and open the downloaded file;
2. Copy "Edward_Carnby" and drop it to Manhunt/data/skins folder (considering you have PluginMH already installed);
3. Open the game, and click "Skins" button. The model should appear in the list. Nice work!
Eden Games - Alone in the Dark (2008);
Pirangunter21 - Left 4 Dead 2 Port;
S1mpl311 - port, rig and texture edit.
Enjoy the killing.